Remove a company

A company is removed from the <Jurisdiction> register when a notice is registered by the Registrar stating that the company is removed from the <Jurisdiction> register under this Act.

A company may be removed from the register for one of the following reasons:

  • the company fails to file its annual return within a period of 6 months after the date allocated; or
  • the company has been put into liquidation, and the prescribed documents confirming that the liquidation of the company has been completed have not been sent or delivered to the Registrar within 6 months after the completion of the liquidation; or
  • there is sent or delivered to the Registrar a request that the company be removed from the <Jurisdiction> register on either of the grounds specified by—
    • a shareholder or any other person authorised to make the request by a special resolution of shareholders entitled to vote and voting on the question; or
    • a director or any other person, if the rules of the company so require or permit; or
  • a liquidator sends or delivers to the Registrar the prescribed documents confirming that the liquidation of the company has been completed.
  • Any company which fails to re-register within the re-registration period will also be removed from the register.

The procedure for removal is described in the <Companies Act>, a copy of which you can find here.