Company addresses

You need to notify the VFSC of a registered office and a postal address for your company. You must also provide contact details for communication.

Registered office address

The registered office address of the company where company records are kept, and where certain records may be viewed by shareholders; this must be a physical address – it cannot be a PO Box or Private Bag address.

Postal Address

This may be a PO Box or other postal address.

Address for communication

The Registrar will mostly use email to contact the company regarding administrative matters.  You can also provide a postal address.  You supply details of this address when you first register your company with the VFSC.

Note: The registered office may be the addresses of their accountant or solicitor.

Notifying address changes

If you need to change the registered office or postal address, you must:

  • Notify the Registrar through the online VFSC Registry, and specify the date (in the future) of the change of address taking place.